This site is no longer updated. You will find the material at:
(under heading 3D)
to this web site with material on OpenGL [1] , JOGL [2] and some basic mathematics. The material is primarily produced as support for courses at Ostfold College, Department for Information Technology.
This is neither in form nor content a comprehensive textbook on Computer Graphics. It is simply some practical advices, some documented lessons and examples based on the authors experiences in teaching Computer Graphics.
The material is available according to GNU's principles for free software [3] and free documentation [4] , when nothing else is explicitly stated. In short this means that you may use it at will as long as you refer to the source and that there is no guarantee that the examples or the explanations are correct in every manner.
A substantial part of the material is translated/adapted from a site in Norwegian [5] . This site contains numerous examples not presented here, also on other platforms than Java.
Access to samples
Subversion [6] . The pages on this site has a lot of code projects as demos. These demos are available from a subversion repository through anonymous access (read only). The repository contain all the code samples as NetBeans [7] projects. You may:
- check these projects out in NetBeans, see NetBeans home page to find out how. This is probably the most efficient and easy way to access and experiment with the samples.
- access them from a subversion client on your computer, for instance Tortoise [8]
- access and download the files you want by browsing the repository in your web browser.

- OpenGLwww.opengl.org/14-04-2009
- JOGL, Javabinding for OpenGLhttps://jogl.dev.java.net/14-04-2009
- GNU Free Sotfwarewww.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html14-03-2009
- GNU Free Documentation Licensewww.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html14-03-2009
- Norwegian website for Computer Graphics with OpenGLwww.it.hiof.no/~borres/gb/14-03-2009
- SubversionTigris.orgsubversion.tigris.org/14-03-2009
- NetBeans idewww.netbeans.org/14-03-2009
- Tortoise, subversion clientTigris.orgtortoisesvn.tigris.org/14-03-2009