CV Publications Presentations Projects Educational
Full name Gunnar Misund
Position Associate Professor, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway
Date of birth January 7th, 1958
Nationality Norwegian
Short bio
Gunnar Misund works as an associate professor at Faculty of Computer Sciences, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway. He was former a senior research scientist at SINTEF Applied Mathematics, Oslo, Norway, working with 2D and 3D geospatial applications, often combined with decision support systems. However, his firs career was as a photographer in Ulefoss, Norway. Currently, his main job interests are research, development, and teaching in the the field of mobile applications, in particular location based services and user collaboration.
1987 - 1993 MSc., Mathematical Modeling, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo (including courses from Department of Geography, UiO, Telemark College and Østfold University College). Specialization: Spatial Data Handling.
2001 - Associate Professor, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway
1999 - 2001 Assistant Professor, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway
1997 - 1999 Scientific Assistant, Department of Computer Science, University of Oslo, Norway
1996 - 1998 Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Applied Mathematics, Oslo, Norway
1994 - 1996 Research Scientist, SINTEF Applied Mathematics, Oslo, Norway
1989 - 1994 Computer Consultant, Freelance, Oslo, Norway
1980 - 1988 Studio Photographer, Ulefoss, Norway
1978 - 1980 Film Assistant, The Norwegian Film Institute, Oslo, Norway
1977 - 1978 Photographers assistant, Military Service, The Norwegian Air Force
1976 Production Worker, LV Døren AS, Lunde, Norway