Communication Design

Resources, tutorials and inspiration

On this page...'ll find a fine collection of topics including frameworks, tutorials and coding examples for use in developing your articles.

Not only that...

...this page also IS a coding example. The text you're reading now is a scrollable overlay of background image, a much used technique for introduction to cases.

Inspect the code on this page to see a format of HTML and CSS to use it, or keep scrolling for an overview of topics on other frameworks, tutorials and examples. Enjoy.

Basic principles...

of readability and strucure in websites

Basic CSS and HTML

Some tips and tricks on how to use simple CSS to present and/or navigate specific, highlighted data


Some basic but useful HTML/CSS templates/inspirational infographics

Some fancy CSS tutorials

HTML/CSS/JS elements

HTML/CSS/JS templates

CSS frameworks

HTML and CSS frameworks to kickoff your projects.


Tutorials, tools, templates and techniques to make scrolling web pages


Charts are a popular way of displaying data for comparison. Bar charts and Pie charts are some of the most basic charts.


Chart.js is a javascript library that use the HTML <canvas> element to draw different chart types based on data value input.

Also see simple code examples from the lecture.

A similar alternative with slightly different syntax is Chartist.js


More advanced charts (not very more advanced code), like organization charts, relationship charts etc.

Raw Graph

Simple web editor to produce data visualizations for scatter, plot, size diagrams (as well as traditional charts like bar, line, pie etc.)


Editor for creating charts based on larger datasets


Timelines are used to display historical events or milestones within a topic (story)

A great place to start is the article How to Create a Timeline Infographic: The Definitive Guide from Venngage. But, don't limit yourself to timelines as simple infographic, as both diagrams, graphs and entire sites can be used to present chronological time-based information.

Photo manipulation and Graphics/Icon libraries

Different tools and techniques to display, manipulate and engage with pure images as the base.


Free icon libraries.


Different tutorials and libraries to create maps.

Leaflet js

Turn off zoom on scrollwheel: set option scrollWheelZoom to false in map initiation. [Leaflet Documentation]

Various maps libraries

  •, javascript library for creating interactive maps
  • StoryMapJS; embeddable interactive map with story points
  •, creating GeoJSon map information files
  • Map constructors

    Norwegian maps and geographical data sets

    Kartverket and GeoNorge offer plenty of data and map apis to construct different map sets with Norwegian national data


    Editor for creating maps based on larger datasets


    Software for creating interactive maps

    Mobile adaption/responsive design

    Media queries

    Use media queries to make your existing design elements responsive in regards to different breakpoints


    Mobile detection

    Application frameworks

    App development (without coding)

    Crowdsourcing tools

    Various helpful tools to build parts of your audience-driven projects.


    Various helpful tools to build parts of your projects.

    Various tutorials

    This list contains different tutorials of different techniques that can be used to make aspects of a digital story






    A collection of sites and examples that can be used as inspiration for data visualization in your projects.