CV Publications Presentations Projects Educational
The documents contained in these directories are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright.

Book chapters
  • Misund, G. Varioscale Surfaces in Geographic Information Systems, in Numerical Methods and Software Tools in Industrial Mathematics, M. Dæhlen and A. Tveito, editors. Birkhauser, Boston, 1997, 317-328.
Refereed journal articles
  1. [Cover] Misund, G. and Lindh, M. Annotating Mobile Multimedia Messages with Spatio-temporal Information, in Journal of Geographic Information Sciences, 10(2), 2004, 139-148.
    Abstract: PDF     Paper: PDF     Featured on journal front page
  2. Misund, G. and Lie, A. Foreleserens intensjoner og studentenes forventninger, in UNIPED, 24(1), Universitets- og høgskolerådet, 2002, 17-24 (in Norwegian).
    Presentation: PDF Paper: PDF
  3. Misund, G. One Map, in HØit, Høgskolen i Østfold, 2002.
    Paper: HTML
Refereed conference contributions
  1. Misund, G., Holone, Karlsen, J. and Tolsby, H. Chase and Catch - Simple as That? Old-fashioned Fun of Traditional Playground Games Revitalized with Location-aware Mobile Phones. in Proceedings of Advances in Computer Entertainment, ACM, Athens, Greece, 2009.
    Paper: PDF     Presentation: ...coming...
  2. Misund, G., Holone, H., Tolsby, Karlsen, J. and Toppe, A. Effects of Co-player Visualization in a Location-based Chase-and-catch Game. in Proceedings of MobileHCI, ACM, Bonn, Germany, 2009.
    Paper: PDF     Poster: PDF     Video: AVI
  3. Misund, G., Tolsby, H. and Håkestad, Ø. Learning from Spatiotemporal Stories with Storix - One Size Fits All?, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education - CATE 2008, Acta Press, Hersonissos, Greece, 2008.
    Paper: PDF     Presentation: PDF
  4. Holone, H., Misund, G., Tolsby, H. and Kristoffersen, S. Aspects of Personal Navigation with Collaborative User Feedback, in Proceedings of NordiCHI, ACM, Lund, Sweden, 2008.
    Paper: PDF     Presentation: PDF
  5. Holone, H. and Misund, G. People Helping Computers Helping People: Navigation for People with Mobility Problems by Sharing Accessibility Annotations, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 08), Springer, Linz, Austria, 2008.
    Paper: PDF     Presentation: PDF
  6. [Diploma] Holone, H., Misund, G. and Holmstedt, H. A. Users are doing it for themselves : pedestrian navigation with user generated content, in Proceedings of the Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST 07), IEEE, Cardiff, Great Britain, 2007.
    Best Paper Award: PDF     Presentation: PDF
  7. Holone, H., Misund, G. and Holmstedt, H. Mobile Challenges: From Universal Access To Universal Participation. Invited presentation at T4P: International Conference on Technology for Participation and Accessible eGovernment Services, Kristiansand, Norway, 2007.
    Short paper: PDF     Presentation: PDF
  8. Misund, G., Granlund, M. and Kolås, H. Global Models and the W3DS Specification - Challenges and Solutions, in Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Next Generation 3D City Models, Bonn, Germany, 2005.
    Paper: PDF
  9. Misund, G., Granlund, M. and Kolås, H. OneGlobe - Building and Browsing a Transient Digital Earth from Distributed, Heterogeneous Sources, in Proceedings of the 10th Scandinavian Research Conference on Geographical Information Science, ScanGIS 05, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005.
    Paper: PDF     Presentation: PDF
  10. Misund, G. and Vålerhaugen, H., Integration Of Heterogeneous GML Sources, in GML And Geo-Spatial Web Services Conference 2004, 3rd Annual GML Developers Conference, Proceedings (online), Vancouver, Canada, 2004.
    Paper: PDF, HTML     Presentation: PDF
  11. Misund, G. and Høiberg, J. Sustainable Information Technology for Global Sustainability, in 3rd International Symposium on Digital Earth, Proceedings (online), Brno, Czech Republic, 2003.
    Paper: PDF     Presentation: PDF
  12. Misund, G., Kristiansen, H., Lindh, M. and Johnsen, K-E. Distributed GML management with SVG tools, in SVG Open 2003, 2nd Annual Conference on Scalable Vector Graphics, Proceedings (online), Vancouver, Canada, 2003.
    Paper: PDF, HTML     Presentation: PDF
  13. Misund, G. and Johnsen, K-E. Hierarchical GML Modelling of Transportation Networks, in GML Dev Days 2003, 2nd Annual GML Developers Conference, Proceedings (online), Vancouver, Canada, 2003.
    Paper: PDF, HTML     Presentation: PDF
  14. Misund, G. and Johnsen, K-E. The One Map Project, in GML Dev Days 2002, 1st Annual GML Developers Conference, Proceedings (online), Vancouver, Canada, 2002.
    Paper: PDF     Presentation: PDF
  15. Kloster, O. and Misund, G. A Flexible Framework for Forest Planning Systems, in GIS '98/RT '98 - Pathways to Knowledge Integration - Conference Proceedings, Adams/GIS World, 1998.
    Paper: PDF, HTML
  16. Adhikary, J. and Hasle, G. and Misund, G. Constraint Technology Applied to Forest Treatment Scheduling, in Proc. of Practical Application of Constraint Technology (PACT97), London, UK, 1997.
    Paper: PDF
  17. Misund, G. Varioscale TIN based surfaces, in Advances in GIS Research II: Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Taylor & Francis, 1996, 35-46.
    Paper: Google Books
  18. Misund, G., Johansen B. S. and Hasle, G. Solving the Clear-Cut Scheduling Problem with Geographic Information Technology and Constraint Reasoning, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference/Workshop on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling, Santa Fe, New Mexico, US, 1996.
    Paper: PDF
  19. Misund, G. and Dæhlen, M. On Consistent Modeling of Geographic Information, in Proceedings of the 5th Research Conference on GIS, Trondheim, Norway, 1995, 100-112.
  20. Misund, G., Johansen B. S., Hasle G., and Haukland, J. Integration of Geographical Information Technology and Constraint Reasoning - A Promising Approach to Forest Management, in Proceedings of the 5th Research Conference on GIS, Trondheim, Norway, 1995, 42-56.
    Paper: PDF
  21. Misund, G. Cartographic Generalization and Multimodels, in Neste Generasjon Geografiske Informasjonssystemer, Ås, Norway, 1993.
Technical reports
  1. Misund, G., Johnsen, S. and Skogan, D. GEOLOK forprosjekt. Technical report, SINTEF SI, STF33 A95017, Oslo, 1995 (in Norwegian).
  2. Misund, G., Johansen, B. S., Hasle, G. and Haukland, J. Integration of Geographical Information Technology and Constraint Reasoning - A Promising Approach to Forest Management (Preprint) Technical report, SINTEF SI, STF33 F95009, Oslo, 1995.
  3. Misund, G., Johansen, B. S., Hasle, G. and Haukland, J. Integration of Geographical Information Technology and Constraint Reasoning - A Promising Approach to Forest Management (Preprint) Technical report, SINTEF SI, STF33 F95009, Oslo, 1995.
  4. Johansen, B. S., Misund, G. and Rognebakke, B.. Datastøttet Skogbruksplanlegging og Modulen ØKOPLAN. Technical report, SINTEF SI, STF33 F95008, Oslo, 1995 (in Norwegian).
  5. Misund, G. and Nilsson, E. SAGIS - skisser til en modell for håndtering av geografisk informasjon i utforskningen. Technical report, SINTEF SI, STF33 F93018, Oslo, 1993 (in Norwegian).
  6. Dæhlen, M., Arge, E., Misund, G., Skjellaug, B., Hansen, E., Røang, K., Eikvil, L. and Olafsdottir, J. Metoder og verktøy for Geografiske InformasjonsSystemer. Technical report, SINTEF SI, Oslo, 1993 (in Norwegian).
  7. Misund, G. and Skjellaug, B. MetaMap - en modell for håndtering og representasjon av stedfestet, tidsvarierende informasjon. Technical report, SINTEF SI, STF33 A93010, Oslo, 1993 (in Norwegian).
  8. Dæhlen, M., Arge, E., Misund, G. and Skjellaug, B. Datamodeller og matematiske metoder for geografiske informasjonssystemer (GIS). Technical report, SINTEF SI, STF33 A93009, Oslo, 1993 (in Norwegian).
  9. Dæhlen, M. and Misund, G. Geographical data in multi-models / Morten Dæhlen and Gunnar Misund. Technical report, SINTEF SI, STF33 A93039, Oslo, 1993.
  10. Arge, E., Dæhlen, M., Westgaard G. and Misund, G. Efficient numerical line generalization. Technical report, Center of Industrial Research, Oslo, 1992.
  • Misund, G. Multimodels and Metamap - Towards an Augmented Map Concept, Master's thesis, University of Oslo (UiO) / SINTEF SI, 1993.
          Thesis: PDF
  • [Cover] Misund, P. H. and Misund, G. Kanalen i Holla, Ulefoss, 2007 (ISBN: 978-82-303-0980-3)
    Omtale: ''Boka inneholder 272 bilder av naturlandskapet i Telemark. Forfatterne tar spesielt for seg Telemarkskanalen, landskap, miljø, kultur, severdigheter og identitet. De retter også blikket mot de oppgaver og utfordringer som ligger frem i tid. Boka inneholder også dikt om kanalen og båtliv forøvrig.''
Referee work
  • International Journal of Digital Earth
  • OzCHI
  • ScanGIS
  • Norwegian Journal of Geography
  • EuroGraphics