Publications in Journals

  1. I. Deliyannis, I. Panagopoulos, B. Panagiotakopoulos, G. Marentakis , and R. Metzitakos. The sensory enrichment and interactivity of immersive user experiences in the public sector: The ionian film office metaverse. In Vladimir Geroimenko, editor, Augmented and Virtual Reality in the Metaverse, chapter 9, pages 1–20. Springer, 2024.
  2. G. Marentakis, Spatial Audio for Multimodal Location Monitoring, Interacting with Computers, 2022, (pdf)
  3. Panagiotakopoulos D., Marentakis G., Metzitakos, R., Deliyannis I., Dedes F., Digital Scent Technology: Toward the Multisensory Experiences of Internet of Senses and Metaverse, IEEE IT Professional, 24(3), p. 52-59, 2022. (pdf)
  4. M. Rumori and G. Marentakis. Paris flaneur - an artistic approach to binaural technology. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 26(2), 2018. (pdf)
  5. G. Marentakis, Gryffiths, C., and S. McAdams. Top-Down influences in the perception of sound displacement in a musical scene. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 14(1), 3:1-3:19, July 2016. (pdf)
  6. B. Katz and G. Marentakis. Advances in auditory display research: Introduction to this special issue. Springer Journal on Multimodal Interfaces, SI: Auditory Display, pp. 1-3, September 2016. (pdf)
  7. G. Marentakis, F. Zotter, and M. Frank. Vector-base and ambisonic amplitude panning: A comparison using pop, classical, and contemporary spatial music. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100(5):945–955, 2014. (pdf)
  8. G. Marentakis and S. McAdams. Perceptual impact of gesture control of spatialization. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 10(4):22:1–22:21, October 2013. (pdf)
  9. N. Peters, G. Marentakis, and S. McAdams. Current technologies and compositional practices for spatialization: A qualitative and quantitative analysis. Computer Music Journal, 35:10–27, 2011. (pdf)
  10. Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Liu Wei, Ta Huynh Duy Nguyen, Tran Cong Thien Qui, Li Cheng Chen, Clara Boj, Diego Diaz, Adrian David Cheok, and Georgios Marentakis. Interactive theatre via mixed reality and ambient intelligence. Information Science, 178(3):679–693, 2008.

Publications in Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  1. G. Marentakis and A. Balic.Situational impairment due to walking with conversational versus graphical interfaces. In Proceedings of the 19th International Audio Mostly, pages 77–85, ACM, 2024. (pdf)
  2. G. Marentakis and D. Dal Paulo. It sounds sustainable: Designing sound for sustainability. In C. Gray, E. Ciliotta Chehade, P. Hekkert, L. Forlano, P. Ciuccarelli, and P. Lloyd, editors, Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference, page 1–17. Design Research Society, 2024. (pdf)
  3. K. O. Kvilhaug Magnussen, K. Iversen, and G. Marentakis. Investigating the impact of website menu presentation style on user performance. In Proceedings of the Advances in Human-Computer Interaction Conference 2024, page 1–8. IARIA, 2024.
  4. F. J. Pathari, Y. Nielsen, L. I. Andersen, and G. Marentakis. Dark vs. light mode on smartphones: Effects on eye fatigue. In Proceedings of the Advances in Human-Computer Interaction Conference 2024, page 1–8. IARIA, 2024.
  5. G. Marentakis. Sketching in sound and interaction design. In Proceedings of the Forum Acusticum 2023, pages 1–8. European Acoustics Association, 2023. (pdf)
  6. G. Marentakis, Grace, V., and Berger, J. Multimodal cues for guided breathing. In Proceedings of the Forum Acusticum 2023, pages 1–8. European Acoustics Association, 2023. (pdf)
  7. G. Marentakis. Principal component analysis of binaural hrtf pairs. In Proceedings of the 20th Sound and Music Computing Conference, pages 178–185. Sound and Music Computing Network, 2023. (pdf)
  8. A. Sadiq and G. Marentakis. Communicating emotions during lectures. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2: CSEDU, pages 558–565. INSTICC, SciTePress, 2023. (pdf)
  9. G. Marentakis. Movement interaction with a loudspeaker: an index of possibilities, ACM Creativity and Cognition, p. 247-261, Venice, Italy, 2022. (pdf)
  10. Jorgensen, P.-A., Stafanac, T., Kshetree B., and Marentakis, G. Monitoring and regulating sonic activity through feedback in learning environments, HCI International, Las Vegas, USA, 2022
  11. Stigberg, H., Hadjerrouit, S., Kaufman, O. T., Marentakis, G. Analyzing tensions faced by pre-service mathematics teachers engaging in digital fabrication, in Psychology of Mathematics Education Annual Conference, Alicante, Spain, 2022.
  12. G. Marentakis and J. Hôlzl. Compression efficiency and signal distortion of common pca bases for hrtf modelling. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference, Turin, Italy, 2021. (pdf)
  13. Georgios Marentakis, Debanjan Borthakur, Paul Batchelor, Judith P Andersen, and Victoria Grace. Using breath-like cues for guided breathing. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1–7, 2021. (pdf)
  14. G. Marentakis, C. Saitis. Variation in timbral features due to outer ear filtering. In Proceedings of Forum Acousticum 2020, Lyon, France, 2020, European Acoustical Association. (pdf)
  15. G. Marentakis. Pictorize: Transforming Image Region Lumonosity to Sound Brightness for monitoring Location, In Proceedings of SMC 2020, Torino, Italy, 2020. (pdf)
  16. B. Stahl and G. Marentakis. Does serial memory of locations benefit from spatially congruent audiovisual stimuli? investigating the effect of adding spatial sound to visuospatial sequences. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, pages 326-330, ACM, 2017. (pdf)
  17. G. Marentakis, D. Pirró, and M. Weger. Creative evaluation. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, pages 853–864. ACM, 2017. (pdf)
  18. Weger, M., Marentakis, G., and Höldrich, R. Auditory Perception of Spatial Extent in the Horizontal and Vertical Plane, in DAFX 2016. (pdf)
  19. G. Marentakis, Pirró D., Kappeler, R. Zwischenräume - a case study in the evaluation of sonic interaction design installations. In Proceedings of ICMC-SMC 2014, 2014. (pdf)
  20. G. Marentakis and R. Liepins. Evaluation of hear-through sound localization. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’14, pages 267–270, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM. (pdf)
  21. G. Marentakis and D. Pirró. Exploring sound and spatialization design on speaker arrays. In Proceedings of SMC 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012. (pdf)
  22. G. Marentakis, C. Gryffiths, and S. McAdams. Detection of spatial displacement in musical scenes. In Proceedings of Forum Acousticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark, 2011. Aalborg University, European Acoustical Association. (pdf)
  23. F. Zotter, M. Frank, G. Marentakis, and A. Sontacchi. Phantom source widening with deterministic frequency dependent delays. In Proceedings of DAFX 2011, Paris, France, 2011. (pdf)
  24. D. El-Shimy, G. Marentakis, and J. Coopestock. Multimodal feedback in 3d target acquisition. In IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, pages 95 – 98. IEEE, 2009. (pdf)
  25. G. Marentakis, E. Corteel, and S. McAdams. Wave field synthesis evaluation using the minimum audible angle in a concert hall. In AES 124th Convention, Amsterdam, NL, 2008. (pdf)
  26. G. Marentakis, J. Malloch, N. Peters, M. Marshall, M. Wanderlay, and S. McAdams. Influence of performance gestures on the identification of spatial sound trajectories in a concert hall. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Auditory Display, Paris, France, 2008. (pdf)
  27. G. Marentakis, N. Peters, and S. McAdams. DJ spat: Spatialized interactions for DJs. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. Ann Arbor, MI: Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library, 2007 (pdf)
  28. G. Marentakis and S. Brewster. Effects of feedback, mobility and index of difficulty on deictic spatial audio target acquisition in the horizontal plane. In CHI ’06: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 359–368, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM. (pdf)
  29. G. Marentakis and S. Brewster. A comparison of feedback cues for enhancing pointing efficiency in interaction with spatial audio displays. In Proceedings of MobileHCI ’05, pages 55–62, New York, NY, USA, 2005. ACM. (pdf)
  30. G. Marentakis and S. Brewster. Effects of reproduction equipment on interaction with a spatial audio interface. In CHI ’05: CHI ’05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, pages 1625–1628, New York, NY,USA, 2005. ACM. (pdf)
  31. G. Marentakis and S. Brewster. Gesture interaction with spatial audio displays: Effect of target-size and inter-target separation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display, Limerick, Ireland, 2005. (pdf)
  32. G. Marentakis and S. Brewster. A study on gestural interaction with a 3d audio display. In in Proceedings of Mobile HCI, pages 180–191. Springer, 2004. (pdf)
  33. G. Marentakis and K. Jensen. Sinusoidal synthesis optimization. In Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference, Goeteborg, Sweden, 2002. (pdf)
  34. D. Murphy, G. Marentakis, T. Haste Andersen, and K. Jensen. Scalable spectral reflections in conic sections. In Proceedings of DAFX 2001, 2001. (pdf)

Presentations, Abstract-reviewed, or Workshop Papers

  1. M. Herrebrøden, A. Deschsling, G. Marentakis, and A. Nordahl-Hansen. Noise-cancelling technology and autistic students with auditory sensory difficulties in school: A scoping review. In Proceedings of the European Education Research Association Con- ference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2024.
  2. G. Marentakis, F. Zotter, and M. Frank. Vector-base and ambisonic amplitude panning: A comparison using pop, classical, and contemporary music. Presented in the EAA Symposium on Auralization and Ambisonics, Berlin,Germany, April 2014.
  3. G. Marentakis and S. Blamberger. Multimodal interaction with speaker arrays. In AERFAI Summer School on Pattern Recognition in Multimodal Human Computer Interaction, 2012.
  4. G. Marentakis, K. Kranzler, M. Frank, M. Opitz, and A. Sontacchi. Latency tolerance enhancement in in-ear monitoring systems. In Proceedings of 38th Deutsch Jahrestagung fur Akustik - DAGA, 2012. (pdf)
  5. G. Marentakis and S. McAdams. Interaction of audiovisual cues in the perception of sound trajectories. In Proceedings of ICMPC 2012, 2012.
  6. M. Frank, G. Marentakis, and A. Sontacchi. A simple measure for perceived source width. In Proceedings of 37th Deutsch Jahrestagung fur Akustik DAGA, 2011.
  7. G. Marentakis, N. Peters, and S. McAdams. Auditory resolution in virtual environments: Effects of algorithms, off-centre listening and speaker configuration. In Proceedings of Acoustics 08, Paris, France, 2008.
  8. G. Marentakis, N. Peters, and S. McAdams. Spatial resolution in auditory virtual environments. In 154th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, LA. ASA, 2007.
  9. A. Vasilakos, T. H. D. Nguyen, T. C. T. Qui, C. C. Li., D. Diaz, C. Boj, G. Marentakis, and A. D. Cheok. Mixed reality interactive theatre system with ambient intelligence. In Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Symposium on Art and Technology, 2006.
  10. J. Arnspang, K. Jensen, D. Murphy, G. Marentakis, and T. Andersen. Music informatics laboratory at DIKU. In Proceedings of the ICMC 2001, Havana, Cuba, 2001.
  11. K. Jensen and G. Marentakis. Hybrid perception. In Papers from the 1st Seminar on Auditory Models, Lyngby, Denmark, 2001.
  12. G. Marentakis and K. Jensen. Timbre engine: Progress report. In Proceedings of the workshop on current research directions in computer music, Barcelona, Spain, 2001.
  13. G. Marentakis, N. Peters, and S. McAdams. Making spatial music accessible: Investigating elementary spatial movements. Echoes - Newsletter of the Acoustical Society of America, 18:1–3, 2008.

Industrial Collaborations

  1. G. Marentakis, C. Kranzler, M. Frank, and A. Sontacchi. Effects of latency and room information in in-ear monitoring. Technical report, Institute fur Electronic Music and Acoustics, Industrial Collaboration with AKG, 2011.


  1. G. Marentakis. Deictic Spatial Audio Target Acquisition in the Frontal Horizontal Plane. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, 2006.
  2. G. Marentakis. Sound design using additive synthesis. Master thesis, Technical University of Denmark, 2002.
  3. G. Marentakis. Design and realization of a system for the active equipment management of computer networks using java and the SNMP-HTTP protocols. Master thesis, National Technical University of Athens, September 1998.